Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Take on Ann Romney

I just finished watching Ann Romney's speech from the RNC last night.  I sat and cried as she talked about the parents who lay awake at night worried.  She could have been talking about me.  I didn't vote for President Obama in 2008 because, honestly, his moral values didn't align with mine, and I just didn't think that he had the leadership experience needed to bring our country together and encourage job growth.  As much as I would like to say that I am indeed better off since he took office, I am not better.  In fact, I am days away from filing for bankruptcy.  I don't blame President Obama for my personal business loss, but I do hold him accountable for the policies that he put into place that did nothing to help truly small business owners such as myself and my husband.  I hold him accountable for putting billions of tax payer dollars into the pockets of those who helped him get into office, while people like myself and my husband spent our life savings trying to save the businesses that we had worked so hard to build.  One of the things that I have learned the hard way during this time is that you can't borrow from tomorrow to pay for what you need today.  We need to wake up and take ownership of the mess that we have created in this country by encouraging the "buy today and pay tomorrow" atmosphere that is pushed on us by bankers who make more in a year's bonus than most of us will in a lifetime.  We need to roll up our sleeves and get to work.  We need to stop buying things that we can't afford.  We need to be honest with ourselves and each other and take a good hard look at what each of us can do to improve our own lives and not wait for someone else to do it for us.  Ann Romney spoke from her heart about her husband Mitt, a man who has done just that.  She spoke of a man with a deep love for his family and his country.  She talked about a man who doesn't hate women, but respects them and wants them to have an opportunity to work because they want to and not because they have to in order to help put food on the table.  She talked about a man who doesn't talk about all that he has done to help those less fortunate than he because he doesn't do it for applause; he does it because it is the right thing to do and because he knows that with great blessings come great responsibility.  I pray that the women of this country will not fall prey to the political commercials that paint Mitt Romney as a man who would set women back.  Ann Romney certainly didn't strike me as a woman who had been set back.  She is strong and confident in herself and her husband.  I pray that they will do their own research on current policy by going to the government website and reading it for themselves.  I pray that Christians across this country will ask the Lord to guide them to elect the candidate that represents the Christian values and hard work that this country was founded upon and that have helped to make this the best country in the world to call home.  I pray that we will do ask Ann Romney asked last night and give her husband a chance.

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