Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Busy bee!

My Mom reminded me this past weekend that I haven't posted a new blog for some time.  I know.  I have 1 online class and a computer class that is seated.  I've been blessed to work every day for the past 3 weeks, so I spend all of my home computer time doing homework. Yes, I have been busy, but I am rejoicing all the same.  At least, my mind is rejoicing.  My body thinks that I have lost my mind!  I used to think 5 hours of sleep a night was great.  Now, 5 hours is a nap!  Oh, how things change in 20 years.  Last week a young woman got on the elevator right after me as I was headed up to my Wed. night class.  She still had on her McDonald's uniform.  I smiled and commented that she was coming from work to school too.  She simply said, "Yeah."  I told her that I knew it was difficult now, but that it would all be worth it in the end.  She said that she hoped so, and I assured her that it would and to stick it out.  I thought about her tonight as I came home from work,  picked the dog up from the groomer, took my youngest daughter to the doctor for a check-up, stopped at the grocery store to pick up pork chops, did homework while my husband cooked, took 15 minutes to eat and returned to the small room that we call an office to do invoices for my husband.  It's 11:35, and I just emailed the last one.  My alarm clock goes off at 5:30 in the morning, so I've gotta rap this up!  It will all be worth it in the end.  I know this because my first diploma wasn't easy either, although my life was much simpler in those days.  I remember how great it felt to receive my diploma.  Funny, I never thought twice about the difficulty after I had that diploma in my hands.  My Mom finally told me she was proud of me!  My daughter was just over a year old and really didn't understand it all, but, in my mind, I thought she was proud of me too.  Yes, it was truly worth the sacrifice and so will this be too.  I am not busy.  I am blessed. 

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