Friday, April 19, 2019

Joy in the Ordinary

  It's the first day of Spring Break, and I woke up not at my usual time but an hour earlier!  I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't.  Suddenly, the voice in my head told me that I have been saying that I didn't have time to write, and that now would be a perfect time!  Seriously?!  At 4:30 in the morning?!  On the first day of Spring Break?!  Yes!  I learned some time ago that arguing with that voice in my head is usually fruitless, so here I am.  It's been over 2 years since I have written, so I hope it works out for us.
I have to begin by giving a shout out to a new friend.  His name is James.  He came to work at Albemarle High School this school year as a part-time custodian, and he did a great job!  He has moved on now to something else, but it was actually he who got me thinking about my blog again.  Once day as he was sweeping my room, he told me that he had read one them and that it was pretty good.  I was surprised, since I'd never really talked much to him and hadn't written in so long.  When he left my room that day, my floor looked great, but, more importantly, my spirit was uplifted.  Oddly enough, when I couldn't go back to sleep and knew I was going to get up and write, James was one of the people I thought about that brought me to the title of this blog.  It was just an ordinary day sometime back when he came into my room to do his job, but it was that ordinary day that we were doing ordinary work that reminded me about my love of writing, so today I'm writing about and giving thanks for all those ordinary moments. 

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  As I drove home from work with the windows down, knowing that it was probably not a good idea since my allergies are already raging, I was full of joy!  I was still struggling with the same things I was that morning, but God has blessed me with the knowledge that our joy is not dependent upon the state of our lives at the moment. Our joy comes from the Lord.  I used to think, immature believer, that meant he dropped some down from Heaven from time to time.  Nope.  That's not it at all.  It's even better than that!  The day that I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior, he filled me with his Holy Spirit, and that, my friends, is the source of all that is good in me, and the source of all of my joy!  Listen, I'm not preaching or saying that things in this life don't bring me joy, but I'm starting to see that it is His Spirit in me that allows me, even on my darkest days, to find joy in the ordinary things.  Things like driving home from work with the car windows down.  Things like the laughter of my granddaughter as she chased bubbles in the yard yesterday.  Things like a warm greeting from a coworker or a note on the board from one of my students.  There are so many things!  I could go on forever, but I will wrap it up with this.  All of these little, ordinary things that we do each day are really not ordinary at all.  They are, in fact, extraordinary!  You see, when we come to the end of our days, strangers might remember some big thing we did or not, but the people we love, the lives that we touch, they will remember and miss the everyday, ordinary things. 

I'm not sure who needed this.  I'm not really sure it even makes any sense.  I hope that it reminds someone who thinks they aren't enough just how much the ordinary things we do matter.  I hope that it reminds someone to really take in the ordinary moments this weekend instead of letting them pass by unnoticed while looking for something big.

Love and hugs!

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